Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reticulate Sculpin-April 26,2009

Specie 36. Not so desirable but another specie, nonetheless. Willamette River.
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Monday, April 27, 2009

Smallmouth Bass April 26, 2009

Willamette River near Salem, OR. Casey, his son Zackoria and I with one of many caught and released. Average size was 2 LBs with some larger fish....
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Monday, April 6, 2009

Common Carp- April 5, 2009

Specie 35. This Carp was caught and released on the Willamette River near Salem,OR. One of several landed this evening, the nicest day of the new year. Fished with Leslie and Casey amid a fun, lively crowd of carp catchers slinging BS and hauling in large carp.
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