Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shad-Bonneville Dam-June 10

One of 10 shad caught on a variety of jigs below Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. Along with these was a bonus 16 inch chinook salmon caught and released and a big sturgeon snagged with a jig on 10 pound test line....the outcome was obvious. Six foot long sturgeon were finning in 2 feet of water with big dorsal fins slicing the surface looking for shad- sharklike!
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Blaise said...

Looks like you need to pull out the big pole with the braided line and get you a sturgon!


ellen said...

Finally got on your blog and figured this out I think! It was a kick seeing all the places you've been. The trophy cat from the yaquina was quite a sight, but the five pound blue gill impersonator was the most impressive of all! Keep the photos coming. Bob G