Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yellow Perch- Willamette River- Sept.24

A momentous day- a yellow perch- and a chance meeting with a Knight of the Round Table- "Dartanion" a fellow fisherman aboard the "Poppy"- a camoflage painted Sevylor kayak and his Mexican Chihuahua adorned in a gilded orange ribbon of flagging tape- snuggled on his lap . "D" and I talked over an array of subjects while drifting in the wind, I shared nightcrawlers with him, and we talked fishing from Shasta Lake to River Road slew, I learned that dirt on ones hands is healthy- especially for cuts- and earthworm slime is healing..."D" was good company on cool rain kissed day near the "Globe" at Salem's Riverside Park; a kindred fisher.
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Redside Shiner- Willamette River Sept. 24

This fish has character- a female redside shiner- who masqueraded as a chub until I figured out what she really was. The ident took books, the internet, and turns out to be a common specie in the Willamette River. A vintage 32 ft Chris Craft sat on the bottom of the slew near my fishing site. I imagined the fun had on the boat in its youth...hoola hoops, bikinis, coppertone, high times. It was broken and silted, no windows...teak railings indistinguishable. Kind of a sad sight...
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Northern Pikeminnow-AKA Northern Squawfish- Sept 24

OK- the dreaded Northern Pikeminnow rumored to be eating all those salmon fry in the Willamette River- caught at the mouth of Mill Creek to be precise. A picture is worth a thousand words- a spinner (a dead ringer for a spring chinook salmon fry), a hungry squawfish...species number 32.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summer Steelhead- Deschutes, Sept. 2008

Seven pound native hen caught and released in the early hours of the morning. Fished a riffle with a spinner after walking in below a flyfisher...who had already fished it. I guess he didn't have the right fly!
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Friday, September 5, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Columbia River- August, 2008

Early morning trolling for Fall Chinook near Ilwaco, Washington.
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Fall Coho- Columbia Tidewater- Aug. 2008

Tim with a limit of Fall Coho caught near the mouth of the Columbia River outside of Chinook Wa.
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Anchovy-Columbia Tidewater- Aug. 2008

Jigged while fishing for salmon off the port of Warrenton.
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Fall Chinook- Columbia Tidewater-Aug. 2008

Caught and released off Youngs Bay near Astoria, Oregon on a trolled spinner. He broke my pole in half on the take...I fought him with the butt stub of the rod and a light drag.
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Pacific Staghorn-Columbia Tidewater-Aug. 2008

Hooked on a spinner while trolling for Fall Chinook near the Columbia River mouth near Chinook, Washington. The spinner was as long as the fish...quite the predator. He was croaking- almost like a growl- while iIwas handling him to release.
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