Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yellow Perch- Willamette River- Sept.24

A momentous day- a yellow perch- and a chance meeting with a Knight of the Round Table- "Dartanion" a fellow fisherman aboard the "Poppy"- a camoflage painted Sevylor kayak and his Mexican Chihuahua adorned in a gilded orange ribbon of flagging tape- snuggled on his lap . "D" and I talked over an array of subjects while drifting in the wind, I shared nightcrawlers with him, and we talked fishing from Shasta Lake to River Road slew, I learned that dirt on ones hands is healthy- especially for cuts- and earthworm slime is healing..."D" was good company on cool rain kissed day near the "Globe" at Salem's Riverside Park; a kindred fisher.
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1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey John! Keep up the good work--we love seeing your fish. So some guy had his dog on the kayak? That is cool. : )

--Greg & Katie